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Section 504

Contact Person for Section 504 Referrals:

District Coordinator: Michelle Thompson 

Phone Number: 903-687-3361 ext. 1130


WISD’s District Section 504 Coordinator serves as the liaison between campuses and central administration. The District Section 504 Coordinator's main responsibility is to provide continual training in accordance with federal, state, and local mandates, provide support for all campus Section 504 Coordinators and ensure federal mandates and regulations are implemented with fidelity. Michelle Thompson serves as the District Section 504 Coordinator and can be contacted at 


Campus Section 504 Coordinators 

Campus coordinators are responsible for coordinating and monitoring the school’s compliance with Section 504 and Title II of the ADA. Coordinators also oversee efforts to prevent Section 504 and ADA violations from occurring. 


Section 504 Coordinator Contact Information


Portia Hood, Assistant Principal 


Melinda Bowden, Counselor


Abby Loyd, Dean of Students 

In WISD, a campus designee coordinates all Section 504 activities including the referral, evaluation, eligibility determination, and provision of services. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 

● Training campus staff on campus Section 504 processes and accommodations 

● Responding to inquiries/questions from parents/guardians and school staff members regarding general Section 504 and Section 504 issues 

● Participating in MTSS/intervention meetings for Section 504 referrals

 ● Coordination and scheduling of meetings and distribution of notices to appropriate individuals 

● Collection of data or necessary information for all Section 504 meetings types - initial, dismissals, reviews, and reevaluations 

● Conducting initial eligibility, dismissal, reviews, and reevaluation meetings ● Sharing appropriate documents with parents and guardians 

● Sharing and reviewing current accommodation plans with all individuals/school personnel who need to know about the individual student’s Section 504 plan at the beginning of the year, transfer between campuses, or at initial school enrollment; and, 

● Coordinating the notification of teachers or relevant staff members of the updated plans when modifications or changes have been made. 

Additional Information:

The following websites provide information and resources for students with disabilities and their families.